Blog Archive

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Deep Creek Springs Day

Day 138
Mileage 20
Camped by Deep Creek Bridge

Another nice day. During the morning sometime, I realized that I would get wherever I'm going faster if I ran. Since the trail was mostly flat, I jogged on and off throughout much of the morning. My realization held true, and I arrived at Deep Creek Hot springs, which I guess was where I was going, in the late morning, despite a couple unplanned detours. There were a number of people there and we chatted for a while. I took three luxurious hours at the springs, which were set up really nicely. Located at a bend in the river, there were a number of small pools that people had constructed that drained into the creek. They were at a nice temperature, and they warmed the river slightly, making for some nice swimming. I had a nice lunch and continued on through the exceedingly pleasant Deep Creek valley. There were real trees, real flowing water, nice rock formations, and shade! What more could a guy want? I have one full day and one half day before I reach Big Bear, where I will meet my future group. They're camped where I was last night, so they're a little less than a day behind. I definitely feel more confident on my own since I started hiking by myself. In fact, I never really feel that alone. I am ready to hike with people, though. And now, I'll drift off to sleep with sound of running water for the first time in weeks.

Bridge over Deep Creek

Upper Deep Creek Canyon

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