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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Last Push

Day 150 11/9
Mileage 30
Camped at Fred Canyon

Today was our last big push. Out of camp at 5:45 to a pleasantly green section of the trail. There were splendid views all day, as we were traversing some pretty steep hillsides. We filled water from a spigot in a picnic area around 9 miles in. The leaves there were in the last stages of yellow and had mostly already fallen. It looks and feels like late fall. The season's change is visible everywhere, besides the daytime temperature. It's still very hot, though I'm told it'll be cooling soon. The trail paralleled a road, with numerous picnic areas, so we saw a lot of people today. It was weird seeing all those outsiders in what now felt like our home. They all recognized that we're almost done and were all enthusiastic and encouraging. We reached Mt. Laguna, ate a pie, sodas, chips, dip, and two pints of ice cream, and loitered for a while. The second part of the day was nice and vegetated, and the scenery was very nice. The views to the south began to open up, and we caught our first glimpses of Mexico! Wow. It's the first time on this trip looking south into mountains we won't be climbing. We talked for a while about what we'll miss most about the trail, how to balance the trail and our other lives, etc. The hike ended with a game of trail jeopardy. Tomorrow, we only have 20 miles, 10 the day after that, and that's it. I have some thoughtful and sentimental things to say about that, but I'm too exhausted to continue righting right now.

We like pie


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