Mileage 20.7
Camped at mile 11.36
So, this is it. The end. Tonight is our last night on trail. Even as I write this, I don't believe it, even a little bit. This journey that has been years in the planning a goal that has stuck with me no matter what, is over. Having direction is so easy when that direction is as simple as "south". There aren't any trail markers for what comes next. No maps, no Halfmile app for my life. Life on trail is immediate. Your concerns are food, water, and miles. There are no looming deadlines besides those determined by your goals and your supplies. There's nothing on the trail that I "should" be doing. I just walk, just because I want to. It's simple, and the trail provides. The trail has taken on a personality to me, becoming as much a guide and companion as another person. It meanders through the topography of the landscape in familiar and predictable ways. The trail pushes me, never taking the easy route, presenting challenge, adversity, and pain, but also joy, beauty, and fulfillment. By the last few months of the hike, I could feel instinctually where the trail was going. After dark, when I struggled to see the trail and often couldn't figure out where it went by sight, I found that my feet already knew, with no input from my thoughts, and led me on, never doubting their course for a second. The trail really has a way of tempting you to just go and see what's around that next bend. It seems almost playful in a way. After tomorrow, my trail will be harder to see. Sometimes it won't be there at all. The PCT brought me this far, and now I'll continue my hike wherever my feet choose to lead me. I'm blazing my own trail now.
Anyway, we slept in today, until 6! Luxurious. Easy hiking to Lake Morena, and I savored every step. Except the ones through the deep sand, I won't really miss those as much. The scenery was lovely, golden mountains with just a little haze about them. We stayed up pretty late (it's 8:30!) talking about life and stuff, watching the meteors. Tomorrow is the last day. 11 easy miles to the border and that's it. "Reality day", as Jake aptly put it. Now that the end is here, I'm not so sure I'm ready for it. I am ready for consistent access to a couch, though. It's bittersweet.
¿Por que no?
Last campsite
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