Blog Archive

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Life's Great Mysteries

Day 71 8/22
Mileage 16
Camped at mile 1179

Zoe informed us this morning that she plans to take another few days off before rejoining us on the trail. She's not feeling well, and is headed to San Francisco. Hopefully she feels better soon! Pete, Kyle and I then began our long ascent into the high Sierras. We climbed all day through towering pines and firs until at last we emerged above it all and were treated to incredible views of expansive valleys, sapphire-blue lakes, and bold granite peaks. The wind was very high, and it cooled us nicely as we walked along the ridge. As we walked, we speculated on very pressing, important matters. We decided that if we could have a different non-depletable liquid come out of each of our nipples, and we couldn't sell it, one would be crude oil and the other would be chocolate milk. It's nice to have the time on the trail to contemplate life's deepest questions. In camp, I sewed the velcro for my gaiters onto my shoes with Pete's nifty sewing thing. 

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